The alleged offender may also use drugs and activities such as hypnosis to make the victim incapacitated. Rape is done for various reasons including blackmail, sexual gratification, money, curiosity-just to mention but a few. Here we are discussing about whether date rape and violent rape should be handled differently. In basic terms violent rape is the use of physical domineering whilst committing an act of rape by any perpetrator. There may be use of threats or physical force, however; an element of violence has to be present whether actually meted or not. The act of violent rape may be done by a total stranger or a person familiar to the victim-in which case it may constitute a date rape depending on the manner in which the act was carried out. On the other hand, date rape is an act of alleged rape where the perpetrator has a level of acquaintance and/or some romantic relationship level with the allegedly raped victim. In these cases the two parties are not total strangers to each other.

In this sense, a similar treatment implies that the sentence offered to date rape offenders should be similar in magnitude and severity to that offered to violent rape victims. There should be no difference in the magnitude of the punishment offered. However, the only difference, which may not even be termed as a difference is the fact that date rapes may have some misunderstandings resulting from the issue on implied consent. As such date rapes should be scrutinized for more explicit evidence that suggests that indeed there was no consent before the act. This is important because some alleged rape victims have been known to suggestively dress or act in a manner that drives the perpetrators to commit the act of sexual intercourse under the assumption that there is implied consent. Some of these victims may at times put up last minute resistance (token resistance) with the aim of indicating that indeed they were raped. These acts have been known to be enhanced to occur for the sake blackmail and malicious schemes to acquire money or sabotage the alleged perpetrators. Therefore, the more scrutiny required for date rapes compared to violent rapes which may obviously be evident in portrayal by physical harm.
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