are taking a stand and reclaiming their historical virtues because it is our
primal nature. This
intrinsic nature is instinctual survival. We all want to
continue our human race and survive. This is a part of who we are. It may be
automatic or unconscious, but the sooner we recognize it, the better off we
will be. Women have a great capacity to connect with nature and to a Divine
source. Those with a deep inner knowing are capable of surrendering to higher
wisdom. We all have the human capacity to make conscious choices and to utilize
acknowledging the pain and uniting with others in a group or through one on one
conversation, women can heal the pain. Another way women can heal is through
identifying with a powerful feminine archetype. The story of the Goddess Inanna
emphasizes empowerment. As a feminine aspect of cosmic and human powers, the
Goddess Inanna is dual in character and manifests the full gamut of human
potential. In one sense she is Mother Earth, her concern and caring for others
is marked by her rescue and tender care of the hulluppu-tree. She
manifests Gods gifts for mankind and stands strong and confident in an effort
to do this. In another sense, she represents the capacity in every human being
to triumph over difficult times and continually achieve fuller expressions of
Divine glory.
I mention the feminine, I am not referring only to women-I am referring to both
men and women. Women and men both
contain feminine and masculine energy. These
two energies exist simultaneously within each human being. However, very few of
us utilize our inner feminine nurturing nature. Inanna represents a woman who
contains a balance of masculine and feminine aspects. She is strong and
empowered. She takes action. Moreover, Inanna's myth tells us she is willing to
rescue the tree and has patience to nurture the tree. In our modern world, we
need to move forward and acknowledge the Divine feminine. We must recognize
this Divinity within ourselves. Very much like Mother Teresa is revered for her
feminine qualities of nurturing and caring, women too should be valued for
their innate skills of loving and leading their families.Women
will begin to lead the way in their family's health and in their family's set
of values. If a woman is healthy in mind, body and spirit, she boasts a healthy
family. If a woman is unhealthy, however, the family is subject to shadow
aspects that easily trickle from generation to generation. If the family
household is of mind, body and spirit, the children pick up on this and it sets
the stage for their perceived values. A man who criticizes his wife in front of
his children leads his family to believe this is normal and continues creating
turmoil. On the other hand, a man who is raised by an empowered female will
naturally generate a balanced family.The
only way women will make a difference in the trajectory of our human race is to
stand up for what they know is true in their hearts. Furthermore, they can
reunite with their primal, innate instincts. Women can honor the magnificence
of their feminine cycles and embrace the continuous change in their bodies.
Women should not be ashamed of their menstrual cycle or try to stop it through
birth control injections. This is their womanhood. Feminine virtues should be
perceived as a gift; a blessing for the creation of human life. This insight
will help us stay better connected with the whole of our human nature.
today's world, women are looking for a strong female archetype to
identify with. Women are being called to get in touch with their
feminine principles and take responsibility. Women are being called to
unite and bring light to their inner feminine energy. As the modern
woman awakens, she will find it helpful to identify with a legendary
story that signifies women's confidence, strength and feminine virtue.
have a great capacity to take on major change but we must prepare and
empower ourselves to do this. This will manifest as a healthy balance of
masculine/feminine equality. Now more than ever it is vital that women
bond and come together to implement a universal shift in consciousness.
How do we do this? How do women overcome the pain of thousands of years
of mistreatment and degradation. The only way is through awareness and a
willingness to heal.
By acknowledging the pain and uniting with
others in a group or through one on one conversation, women can heal the
pain. Another way women can heal is through identifying with a powerful
feminine archetype. The story of the Goddess Inanna emphasizes
empowerment. As a feminine aspect of cosmic and human powers, the
Goddess Inanna is dual in character and manifests the full gamut of
human potential. In one sense she is Mother Earth, her concern and
caring for others is marked by her rescue and tender care of the hulluppu-tree.
She manifests Gods gifts for mankind and stands strong and confident in
an effort to do this. In another sense, she represents the capacity in
every human being to triumph over difficult times and continually
achieve fuller expressions of Divine glory.
Women are taking a
stand and reclaiming their historical virtues because it is our primal
nature. This intrinsic nature is instinctual survival. We all want to
continue our human race and survive. This is a part of who we are. It
may be automatic or unconscious, but the sooner we recognize it, the
better off we will be. Women have a great capacity to connect with
nature and to a Divine source. Those with a deep inner knowing are
capable of surrendering to higher wisdom. We all have the human capacity
to make conscious choices and to utilize self-knowledge. In Inanna's
story, she is a young woman who braves the forceful flood waters of the
Euphrates River and saves the "tree of life." Our own modern-day "tree
of life" is hanging by a thread. Many people are beginning to recognize
this based on the current uprisings in the Middle East and the recent
natural catastrophes-namely Japan.
What if we had some way of
preventing this from occurring? What would this look like? This could
look like the beginning of Inanna's story when she brings the ragged
cedar tree to her holy garden. As a recourse, this signifies a need to
start connecting with humanities inner feminine nature.
When I
mention the feminine, I am not referring only to women-I am referring to
both men and women. Women and men both contain feminine and masculine
energy. These two energies exist simultaneously within each human being.
However, very few of us utilize our inner feminine nurturing nature.
Inanna represents a woman who contains a balance of masculine and
feminine aspects. She is strong and empowered. She takes action.
Moreover, Inanna's myth tells us she is willing to rescue the tree and
has patience to nurture the tree. In our modern world, we need to move
forward and acknowledge the Divine feminine. We must recognize this
Divinity within ourselves. Very much like Mother Teresa is revered for
her feminine qualities of nurturing and caring, women too should be
valued for their innate skills of loving and leading their families.
are beginning to recognize their inner feminine qualities and there is a
recent trend of women valuing the importance of self-care. Mothers who
care for their families are coming of age to realize that it is okay to
take some time for themselves. The influx of women taking yoga classes
or yoga teacher training has significantly increased. True yoga allows
one to go inward and meditate on the inner feminine energies. The next
step for women's evolution is to honor their own inner truth.
will begin to lead the way in their family's health and in their
family's set of values. If a woman is healthy in mind, body and spirit,
she boasts a healthy family. If a woman is unhealthy, however, the
family is subject to shadow aspects that easily trickle from generation
to generation. If the family household is of mind, body and spirit, the
children pick up on this and it sets the stage for their perceived
values. A man who criticizes his wife in front of his children leads his
family to believe this is normal and continues creating turmoil. On the
other hand, a man who is raised by an empowered female will naturally
generate a balanced family.
The only way women will make a
difference in the trajectory of our human race is to stand up for what
they know is true in their hearts. Furthermore, they can reunite with
their primal, innate instincts. Women can honor the magnificence of
their feminine cycles and embrace the continuous change in their bodies.
Women should not be ashamed of their menstrual cycle or try to stop it
through birth control injections. This is their womanhood. Feminine
virtues should be perceived as a gift; a blessing for the creation of
human life. This insight will help us stay better connected with the
whole of our human nature.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6381170